Saturday 3 August 2013

Oreo ice cream cone

I LOVE OREOS!!! For some strange reason I think the mini oreos taste better than the normal size. I know they're exactly the same but to me the mini ones taste better, maybe it's the fact that it's so small and that you can eat more than one without feeling guilty.

When I saw Oreo ice cream and ice cream cones in the supermarket I was happy. The Oreo ice cream doesn't taste as nice as Haagen Dazs' cookie and cream ice cream as it doesn't compare to the creaminess of Haagen Dazs. But Haagen Dazs doesn't sell cookie and cream ice cream cones. It does have a bar version but is never sold in the supermarkets, so Oreo's ice cream cone is great. The cone is also made from the same base as the Oreo biscuit. Yummy

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